Professor; Department Chair
English and Modern Languages
College of Arts and Sciencessinche@lsxythnjy.com 860.768.4415 Auerbach Hall 204E
PhD, University of North Carolina
MA, University of North Carolina
BA, University of Michigan
Bryan Sinche is a native of Virginia, a graduate of the University of Michigan (BA) and the University of North Carolina (MA, PhD), and a former public-school teacher and coach. After completing his PhD in 2006, Sinche came to the University of Hartford in 2006 where he continues to teach courses in American and African American literature.
Sinche is a scholar of nineteenth-century African American literature and the author of Published by the Author: Self-Publication and Nineteenth-Century African American Literature, which was published by the University of North Carolina Press in 2024. He has written more than twenty essays and reviews which appear in journals such as American Literary History, African American Review, ESQ, Legacy, and Biography and in collections published by Basic Books, Cambridge University Press, and the University of Wisconsin Press. He is also the editor of two books: The Guide for Teachers accompanying the third edition of the Norton Anthology of African American Literature (2014) and the first scholarly edition of Appointed: An American Novel (2019, co-edited with Eric Gardner).